Wednesday, June 17, 2009


As the countdown to summer vacation draws near I am spending as much time as possible readying myself for the reality that my bi-weekly paycheck is about to take a major nose dive. I know we can get by without it, but truth is I have grown accustomed to being able to purchase what I want when I want. Now my wants are not all that much... a kiddie pool for the backyard, a magazine, beads, etc... but none the less, I want them. I've decided that I had better put a little effort into making some extra income from home. I know that my beaded lanyards sell fairly well on ebay, but I don't really care for feebay. I've had some luck with etsy, but marketing on etsy is an all day job and I want to spend my summer with my little girl. So yesterday I set up a booth on bonanzle.

I must say that in just a matter of one day, I am very impressed. I spent today listing some new items and getting to know the site a bit more. They have an abundance of great tools and step by step instructions for marketing my booth and increasing views. And everything is so easy! These guys have really listened to sellers and made the site seller friendly. Listings are only one page and so easy to do. People are so friendly and offer great advice for optimizing my booth, and gaining exposure. I'm really very happy with it. Only time will tell whether my efforts will pay off, but I really feel confident with my decision to use bonanzle as my selling platform. Summers vacation is looking better every day:)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Your booth looks great.. I hope it works great for you.. I have started listing some stuff over on artfire.. hoping for the same thing.